I am still in the throws of our move to Prescott....this packing is for the "birds".
I did get the studio moved and have had two "Retailer Training/Workshops".
The answer to your questions about having workshops soon in Prescott and in AZ is YES....they
are being scheduled as I type this.
My studio there is "Paint With a View"....not only does your furniture "talk to you" and gives
you "vision" of renewal....while you are waiting for it to speak.....you can look out the Studio
windows and be inspired. I SO LOVE IT THERE.
Thank you for your patience....I'll soon be back in the blogging world.
Until I am moved.......JUST PAINT......join me on Pinterest and let me know if you'd like
to join me in Prescott.....Scottsdale.......Sonoma.....Hawaii......Virgnia .....or Spokane for
a destination workshop. My new email is anne@paintwithaview.com
Let the PAINT FLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY......I love CeCeCaldwells beautiful 36 USA born
color pallet.....all GREEN....non toxic natural wax finishes and our newest product.....a GREEN
Satin Finish.
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