Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Ladies of Annie Sloans Santa Monica Workshop

What a WONDERFUL time I've had the last few days running Annie all around
Southern California for book signings, demo's and the all day work shop at
Annette Tatum's workroom in Santa Monica.....the grand finale!

Annie's ladies of "chalk"

Thank you to all the participants and the hosts, I can hardly wait to do it again and I really can hardly wait to get out my paint brushes and just PAINT.

I will post photo's and upcoming events/workshops at the end of the week because at the moment I am plum tuckered out and my eye lids are wanting to close.



Beth said...

So glad to have joined! it was lovely! Cheers.

Phyllis said...

Oh how fun this must have been. Looks like you had a great group!