Sunday, May 29, 2011

Meet Debbie Cooper of 'roundthecoop'

I'd like you all to meet Debbie Cooper. Debbie just joined me as a Southern California Mini-Stockist for Annie Sloan Chalk Paint/Products.

Initial pick up of the paint...she's already been back for more
Debbie is already an asset and go getter.  It's going to be fun watching her "out there" representing our Chalk Paint and being her creative self. Welcome me paint the world!

Debbie currently is displaying and selling the Chalk Paint at Truly Tattered in Tustin, CA. which is in Orange County. What a fun shop. If you haven't been there take some time and visit. Kim who is one of the owners is so much fun, creative herself, full of ideas and zest for life.

Debbie and Kim working together and in love with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint and Products

We, Debbie, Kim and myself had a great time last week planning some wonderful 'happenings'. In August, I will be sponsoring "A One Day Affair" with Debbie and Kim.....standby for all the details later this week, we are very excited and already know this will be the first of many events we do together.

So much is happening in the next few weeks, or should I say three months?
This week I am moving from 'the room' to a larger 'the room'. Very exciting for me, it's always rewarding to grow out of one thing and into another, except for weight and clothes that is.

I have many workshops planned and scheduled, now I just have to update my website too. I have "boy's can paint too", "girls night out", "the traveling paints" along with the regular "Annie Sloan techniques", "Play with Product", "Project You" workshops that are ongoing. Fun, fun, fun. If you are interested in any of these workshops contact me at

This week I have two workshops, one at "the room" in Canyon Lake and another one at Urban Barn in Escondido. On the 11th I am doing a workshop with Kari Saupstad, Mini-Stockist from Encinitas, CA. This workshop will be in Chula Vista at Melanie Royals studio and will be dynamite. There are still a couple places available if anyone is interested.

On June 25th I head to the N.W. to join Stockists Kellyanne and Kim from The Bella Bungalow. We have been invited to demo the Chalk Paint at Retreat Vintage Market Event on Camano Island. We are very excited and learned we will be right across the path way from the "Farm Boys".....wahoooooooooooooooooooooooo.
After this event I will make my way to Spokane where I will meet Eastern Washington Stockist Nancy Jones of ArtWorks for some Chalk Paint training.
I have many workshops between San Diego, Palm Springs and Santa Barbara planned for July plus the first of four Wine 'n' Paint workshops on July 27th in Sonoma at
Sonoma European Antiques. I will join the Northern California Stockist, Vicki Shoemaker there as then Vicki will join me in the Fall for the second Wine 'n' Paint workshop scheduled in Temecula, CA.

August will be busy too....more workshops and a road trip to Scottsdale, AZ for a great workshop there hosted by Surface Refinements, Anna and Scott. I'm looking forward to heading there as I lived there myself for 12 years prior to moving to Canyon Lake five years ago.

September is the UK tour to see Annie and visit many 2nd hand stores, antique shops and flea markets. What fun that will be and if you are interested please contact me as we have a few openings left.

Exciting times for the House of Anne and the Chalk Paints. It is so much fun meeting all of you wonderful people and watching the magic on your faces as you fall in love with the paint. Soon we will have four more Mini-Stockists joining our So. California team.....they are as excited as I am. I will let you know their
locations within the next couple weeks.

I think I have babbled on a bit long but it is Sunday and I can babble if I want to cause I like sharing all of these happenings.

Remember to check my website for monthly specials....send photo's of the projects you are working on and have completed....and just say "hi" and write me a comment.

My new 'room' the transformation with a little Arles and Aubusson Blue

Until later in the week....keep on painting and enjoying life

Saturday, May 28, 2011

UK Trip Sept 20 - 29th....sign up now

IS THE TIME TO DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!
Four Seasons Travel
Barbara Gonzalez

Annie and Anne

House of Anne presents a London and Oxford Trip featuring Annie Sloan

Escorted by Anne Skougard  from House of Anne and Barbara Gonzalez from Four Seasons Travel

20 Sept. Depart to London

21 Sept. Check into hotel near Hyde Park -rest of day at leisure

22 Sept. If you like optional tours are available

23 Sept. Shopping, eating or touring

24 Sept. Train to Oxford/check into Eastgate Hotel downtown Oxford, rest of day at leisure

25 Sept. Optional tours or day at leisure

26 Sept. Optional tours or day at leisure or Annie Sloan 2 - half day classes offered at $110. USD each

27 Sept. Annie Sloan accompanies us by

Train to the famous antique market At Kempton Park in Sunbury.
Say our goodbyes to Annie and Train back to London, check into London Lodge Hotel across from Kensington Park

28 Sept. Day at leisure

Evening Farewell dinner

29 Sept. Depart London for home

Breakfast is included each day but lunch and dinner are on your own. Optional Tours and prices will be announced at a later date.

Cost of Trip $2635.00 Double occupancy/ $300.00 Due at Booking, includes airfare, hotel and train

I'll be back soon with a wonderful new adventure that will take place in So. California on August 5th and 6th.

Friday, May 27, 2011


I can't post all the particulars right this moment, BUT I will tell you today was so exciting.
I gathered with Debbie Cooper, So. California Mini Stockist for Annie Sloan Chalk Paint and Products   and Kim from Truly Tattered" in Tustin which is a sweet town in Orange County......and we are doing an event that is pretty darn cool.
I am not going to say one more thing tonight....but by Tuesday, the word will be out.  So...let me say....Neeeeener....neeeeener .....neeeeener to placate....Ms. Mustard Seed.   Wahoooooo

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Befores.....and Afters.......Do you think I have a passion for PAINT and COLOR?

I have had the chance today to actually sit in front of my computer and go through the thousands of photo's I seem to be collecting. I came across this one and had to laugh......

Three months worth of paint projects.....Chalk Paint and a private label for Designer Annette Tatum

I then found the old laundry basket that I turned upside down and made a great
'paint brush' chandelier......
Laundry basket upside down and minus the wheels
How cute is this
to heck with crystals....dipped wooden paint brushes make a beautiful sound in the wind

And then, remember the old orchard ladder that I was waiting for to 'speak to me', well it finally spoke


Pickets before

Pickets as a 24 colored fence

If you haven't figured out by now I am addicted to Annie Sloan Chalk Paint and color. I am finding out though there are plenty others like me "out there"too, we are a special breed and the world needs us!

This weekend I am moving from 'the room' which has been a perfect little place to give my workshops into a much larger space although I'll still call it 'the room'.
I have a view of a golf course as I teach our wonderful techniques as well as sometimes lock myself inside to just do what I love to do....PAINT all alone, with music playing and creative juices flowing.  If you haven't had a chance to try our Chalk Paint and Waxes or taken a workshop, you owe it to yourself to grab a brush and just do it.

I wish you all a wonderful Memorial Weekend....enjoy each moment and remember our soldiers who gave their lives so that we could enjoy.

One of many photo's I have taken of our flag
Have a 'ball' this weekend

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

What an AWESOME time at the 3 Speckled Hens Event in Paso Robles!!!

Whew.....all I can say is the 3 Speckled Hens know how to throw an event.
I arrived up there around 10:30 on Friday morning and began to set up camp.
Vicki and I put together our booth that afternoon and were ready for the early birds to arrive on Saturday morning.

Our Booth

Booth with our 24 pickets and laundry basket paint brush chandelier......

Wax, paint, brushes and wall technique

In the "beginning".....we are ready, waiting and able to let the paint fly

Vicki demo'ing

Signing up for workshops/newsletter and playing with product

Me demo'ing away and sanding the edges....what a sweet table in Scandinavian  Pink and Old Ochre

HONEST...."no stripping, sanding or priming"...and yes, boys can use it too

The "end" up and my leg is stuck, not exactly agile anymore

Packed up and ready for the next one.....whew....we are just a little tired but a whole lot "pumped"
Thank you "Hens" for a wonderful adventure!!!!!

I will be posting all the photo's from 3 Speckled Hens event on a special Smilebox......but for now it was fun to get these posted to share with you  in a timely manner.  Both Vicki and I were overwhelmed with the
consumer response we witnessed and the people we were blessed to meet.  Yes, we are in love with the magic of our paint and products and so is everyone else that partook in the "play with product" and demo's .

Annie Sloan Chalk Paint and Products are "over the top" and I am so PROUD and HAPPY to be
a Stockist in the U.S.A.  here in California.  Workshops are scheduled, events are planned, Destination "happenings" are located on my website under "travel" with more to come.

I will be UPDATING my website this weekend with new specials, workshops and events.  Please check it out and come join us for some "paint flying fun".

So.....until tomorrow when I have tons to share....HAPPY PAINTING and enjoy every minute of your life.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Ready or not here we come........3 Speckled Hens Antique and Stuff Event

The truck is loaded, my back is sore, my nails are broken but the wax shipment arrived just in the nick of time. I have a wee bit of ironing and my own packing to do before the alarm goes off at 4:00 a.m. and I have the pleasure of plunging into L.A. traffic on my way up the coast to join Vicki and set up our "perfect" chalk paint booth #11 at the 3 Speckled Hens in Paso Robles. I guess I'll have to sleep fast, file my nails and soak in a hot tub after we check into our room tomorrow evening and get ready for two days of paint flying FUN! Come join us, it's a wonderful 'happening'.

I received two confirmations today on "Play with Product" Chalk Paint Workshops.

On June 4th I will be at the Urban Barn in Escondido from 9:30 - 4:30 where I'll teach 4 techniques and then assist students in projects of their own.

Whimsical mirrors at the Urban Barn

On July 27th and maybe even the 28th Vicki and I will be kicking off one of four
Wine Country Paint Parties in Sonoma, CA at Sonoma Antiques and European Furniture.
We are thrillllllllled. Paint will be experienced along with wine and perhaps a nice massage at a local botique "spa". I will expand more on this later next week but I can tell you this workshop will fill up fast so take a look at your calendars and join us.

Take a peak in the door, this is the barn out back where the workshop will be held

Now this is a "barn" I'd like to explore
 Another reminder about the June 11th Workshop at Melanie Royals in Chula Vista, CA.  There are just a few spaces still open for a day of "wonder".  The experience alone of being in Melanie's building is an added perk to the 6 chalk paint techniques you'll learn as well as 2 wall treatments.
Kari playing with paint and preparing for June 11th

Be sure to visit my website for further information

I'd better heat up the iron now and get my bag packed so I can  hit the pillow and get on the road in just a few hours.  I'll post next week when I return on Monday and fill you in on a memorable weekend I'm sure.

Off I go again............weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I'm back from NYC and Washington D.C. and now I'm kicking into OVERDRIVE

I had a great time back east.....a couple well spent days in NYC, a train ride to D.C. greeted by my two handsome grandsons who escorted me the rest of the way via the Metro, and then a few days spent  enjoying my son and family who I don't get to see enough of living 3,000 miles a part. I'll share my time and photo's later because now I have to kick into gear for the Three Speckled Hens show this weekend in Paso Robles.

Vicki Shoemaker and I are going to have so much fun demo'ing Annie Sloan Chalk Paint and Waxes.  We are so looking forward to "paint a flying" and people catching on to the beauty, ease and magic we are going to introduce.

Please take time out of your schedules and come up and join us for just a wee bit of fun....and be sure to introduce yourselves at our booth, #11.

I'm also getting ready for a Play with Product day at Out of the Blue in Solana Beach. I think it is scheduled for May 25th although the note I received from Debi said the 26th. I will confirm and update you soon.

On June 4th I will be having a workshop at Urban Barn in will be a fun day and I will be posting the time and specifics for that workshop next week when I return from the coast.

On June 11th we have a wonderful workshop planned in Chula Vista, hosted by Melanie Royals. It will be an awesome day and I encourage you to visit Melanie's website and to sign up for a learning experience. We will be teaching two wall techniques in this workshop a long with 6 other chalk paint techniques.
A beauty don't you think?  Love that 'leafing'...note the molding at the top which you will learn at the workshop

One wall treatment we will be teaching using one of Melanie's stencils

If you are interested in this workshop, go to my website and sign up now, we still have a few spaces left and we'd love to have you with us.

I want to welcome Debbie Cooper, a new Mini-Stockist from Anaheim Hills, CA. I'll be looking forward to working with Debbie and putting on some great workshops and events together.

I have paint and wax arriving today and tomorrow......orders to fill and ship and a truck to load up and head on out early early on Friday. I can do it all though as I am "magic", so my twin granddaughters informed me yesterday morning before I caught a plane home.

Please check my website for specials as well as other workshops in planning.
There is still a few spaces left for the UK trip in September as well as the Cruise in January. I will also have firm dates for Vicki's and my "wine country" tour. I think the first one will be in the last week of July in Sonoma and I will have those dates and specifics for you hopefully next week, so stay tuned and soon I won't know whether I truly am "coming or going". I LOVE IT.

Ok...I'd better get on with the next 48 efficiently and sleep fast.
Until next week.

Monday, May 9, 2011

I'm off for just a few days....NYC and then to Washington D.C. to see my son and family whom I haven't seen since February of 2010, way too long.  Who knows, maybe I'll even get to meet up with Patty, NJ Annie Sloan Stockist.  I do plan to take my camera,  take in the 911 Memorial and Ellis Island.  I'm not a great sight seer, I'd rather look at the architecture and people watch but I think I owe it to myself to see and visit these two places.  Broadway Play?, you got it, now that makes me happy.

Paint arrives today, some clear wax too........wahoooooooooooooo, all orders will be filled and my customers will be happy.  Just waiting for the dark wax now and my back orders of both waxes.    We all will  arrive on the same day next week and EVERYONE will be current. 

The best decorative and all time paint in the world!

If you need me your know my number....just "call out my name".  Cell phones are the best, or are they the worst?

Next week will be a big week with the paint delivery and readiness for The Three Speckled Hens event in Paso Robles, but I'll be regenerated and raring to go.

Have a great week and keep those orders coming and the paint a flying.  I love hearing from you and seeing
the projects, before and after that you are working on.  Remember, It's never too late to be what you might have been.

Off I go..............!!!!!!!!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Friends, Hats the Kentucky Derby and Mint Juleps

I didn't think I would be posting until next week but this photo was taken yesterday at a wonderful Kentucky Derby party given by friend Diane.    It is the single day of the year when the "ladies" of Canyon Lake wear
dresses, jewels and crown our heads in  beautiful hats.  I want to thank Diane for such a wonderful "event", and I won't be taking my hat off as I truly have hat head.

I have posted before the value of a friend, well these are two friends that have been there for me since I moved from Scottsdale, AZ to Canyon Lake.  They have blessed my life in more ways than one.  Sharon and Diane are my left and right hand.....and my right and left hand.  They both accompany me on my road trips, they help me set up Annie Sloan Workshops, they help me ship all the paint and wax, they make me walk 3 miles a day when I don't want to walk and they make me LAUGH.  We share life and refuse to talk about other people even when they hurt one of our feelings.  Thank you Sharon and Diane for walking down this road of life with me.....I couldn't do it without you and I really wouldn't want to.

Sharon, Diane and Anne

Roger my better half
It wouldn't be right not to say thank you to my husband Roger, my best friend too.  Poor Roger, his head
doesn't know which way to turn with my comings and goings and little 'temper tantrums' over my full plates that I continue to fill and overflow because that is who I am and that is how I function.
Roger took me out for Mothers Day Brunch this morning, he helped me organize my "room" for the next workshop and he loaded up the truck with props for The Three Speckled Hens Event( May 21 & 22)  that he has to perform a miracle on so I can use them in our booth.  He also frets about my feet.....yes, my feet cause they always hurt and he knows when my feet hurt his ears hurt too.  He is patient and kind and he is happy staying home with the boys, Gus (a labradoodle) and Amos (a Portuguese Water Dog) while I am on the road.  I am a very blessed woman and I know it.
Have a wonderful week everyone, I'll be back next week with lots of photo's and stories.

Much to do before The 3 Speckled Hens Event in Paso Robles

I will spend the next week+ getting ready for The 3 Speckled Hens Event in Paso Robles on May 21 and 22nd. I invite and encourage everyone to take in this
fun filled antique and "stuff" show.

Vicki Shoemaker, Northern California Annie Sloan Stockist and myself will be busy painting our props.....creating our props and propping each other up when we meet to introduce our beautiful paint and waxes and let the paint "fly" up and down the coast. We are excited to be a part of this event and will be looking for you there.  So stop by, booth 11 and say "hi".

I probably won't be posting a lot in the next couple weeks, so much to do and on top of everything, "the Room" is moving to a new location and I have to set it up as I have workshops scheduled! Wahooooo.

If anyone is interested in the House of Anne UK trip in September or the Cruise in January, log onto my website for more information. Also, Melanie Royals, Kari Saupstad and myself will be hosting an all day Annie Sloan Workshop at Melanie's studio/building in Chula Vista on June 11th. Come join us and learn 6 beautiful techniques with the Chalk Paint and two great wall applications. Fun, fun, fun.

I want to sign off with some great photo's Kay Perret sent me of kitchen cabinets
she just completed using our paint. Great job Kay and thank you for sharing.



Wow, what a beautiful job and transformation!  Kay used Cream, Old White and Old Ochre plus Golden SDFA.  Two coats on 60 linear feet of cabinetry including boxes and island base, 27 doors back and front and 16 drawer fronts.  Kay used 3.25 quarts of paint....AMAZING!

I'm wishing you all a wonderful day, week and life.  Until I get some things at you later.