Monday, May 2, 2011

I'm back from Tampa and a customer from Remnants of the Past

Hi......Just give me today to unpack and get settled in and I will fill you in
on my Tampa adventure as well as the latest road trip to San Luis Obispo.

Mean is a before and after of a carved chair I did in Tampa. I even
paited the fabric.



I will sit myself down later today and really give you an update on what's happening in the House of Anne. and you got it, PAINT.


Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

Anne, I look forward to hearing about the Tampa trip. I would love for you to check out my latest chalk paint victim in Old Violet. Love this color.

MJ said...

Gorgeous transformation! OMG those colors look delicious enough to eat!

Lucky 7 Design

Ann Marie @ Twice Lovely said...

I literally gasped at the after of that chair!! FANTASTIC!! You used chalk paint on the fabric?!?! How did it work out? How does it feel? I'm so amazed!